Next Glasgow Malifaux Event Announced!
March 17th Malifaux March Murder Madness Organised Play and Demo event in Glasgow.
The 2nd West Coast Throwdown of 2013
The March Madness Murder Meet(and Malifaux Mixer) will be held at Number 40 Wellington Street Glasgow, on the 17th Day of March, which is a Sunday!
Doors Open at 10:00, The event will start at 10:45, First cards Drawn by 11:05
The Price will be £10 Pounds, with improved prize support ,
Tea and Coffee will be available all day.
Prizes for
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Best Painted Crew(overall)
Using a different Crew and Master each round
as well as the honour, nay, the glory, of the wooden spoon.
You will need enough models to construct your crew or crews for the day, associated gaming paraphernalia including Fate Deck, appropriate markers and tokens.
In addition, if you have a supply wagon or treasure counter, bring it!
The format is 35 points fixed faction, meaning you need to pick your crews between rounds
The strategy for each round, in keeping with the March Madness and Murder , will be determined on the day,
The TO will flip for the Strategy, and players will then have a 10 minute window in which to choose crews and masters, a further 10 minutes to get ready and deployed,
The round will start with the initiative flip when the T.O .shouts GO!
Each rounds gaming will last 90 minutes, meaning the total round time is 110 minutes (1 hour and 50 minutes including set up.
Due to these strict timings, the round after lunch(lunch is 12:35-13:15) will start promptly.
Round | Start Set Up | Begin Flip | Round End |
1 | 10:45 | 11:05 | 12:35 |
2 | 13:15 | 13:35 | 15:05 |
3 | 15:20 | 15:40 | 17:10 |
- | Prizes | And | Offski |
All rules and caveats, including organisational information are as per the currently published gaining grounds 2013 pack.
pack for this part here:
In addition I will have a second area set up for friendly, non competitive play, demo's and general meeting and greeting, with a few incentives and spot prizes on the day. So if you have never been down to an event this is an ideal way to whet your appetite and say hello with no pressure or hassle!
For this part just turn up ad say hello, and play some games/get a demo 
Please get in touch if you are interested in either side of the event!
Currently confirmed names:
Scott Burry
David Hamilton
Alan 'The Perforator' Nicolson
Joe Taylor
Jonny West
Greg Findlay
Peter Coleman
Victoria Denning
Please let me know if you need more info/want to come, payment is on the day.
People coming for demo's obviously don't pay, people playing friendly games are invited to make a donation to Yes Scotland on the day!
I will be having some extra, unannounced incentives and prizes on the day to reward insanity , as classically defined 
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